Back In Time

Contributor Post by Mary from StockLaneStudio

The Etsy CIJ team is full of vintage and retro treasures.  From Art Deco mirrors and vintage recipe boxes to finely preserved antique music programs. Adorn bright retro dresses with brooches and pendants that brings us back to the ‘good ol’ days’ or evoke cherished memories.

Mairi from mairidesign says

Pop ‘back in time’ each day as you put your make-up on in this Art Deco style mirror. A century ago this style captured the hearts of our grandparents and, with bold geometric patterns, it continues to add a touch of decadence in today’s modern homes.
Those reminiscing about the “good old days” can’t help but remember how popular this pin up girl was back in her day! This adorable scarf pendant slide is the perfect gift for a gal who knows how to have fun. It adds a touch of whimsical class to any accessory collection!

Bevan Blackshaw from TimberDimensions says

Brooches were once popular items of jewellery to enhance an outfit. As with all things they seem to be making a resurgence, My timber brooches are made from offcuts of rare and beautiful timbers. These will last for eons. The finding is screwed, not glued to the timber and I use findings of the highest quality that I can find. Truely a beautiful thing that takes you back to a time gone by.

I found this lovely and unique recipe basket at an estate sale. Inside were some blank recipe cards, but no old recipes. To find some old recipes would have been the icing on the cake…but this cake would have to go without icing for now…Do people still use recipe boxes or do they just save recipes on their social media or their computers, iPads, or Smart Phones? The recipe box may be a thing of the past.
From a time when travelling by ship was the only way to get to where you wanted to be. From the Cunard Steamship Gallia. this 1883 this shipboard concert program speaks to the entertainment of the day and the fund raising efforts of the time. That it has been preserved and survived all these years fascinates me.
I love fashion ! But fashions from the past has such a wonderful story to be told. Although this dress is not vintage it is inspired from the times of the past 1950 I call it my “I Love Lucy” dress. I remember watching that show with my family and laughing so much!

Marjorie Scenna from mscenna says

I love all things vintage and each of my creations starts with a vintage piece or two. This repurposed picture frame has fun retro style and features a collection of vintage buttons and jewelry parts. It’s the perfect way to display a photo or keepsake with special memories!

It happened 40 years ago. My parents went to my brother in Switzerland at Christmas. I was left alone on a holy night. When they came home with a nice woolen bed blanket as a gift.This cushion is made of this bed cover. It is a retro style.