Member Feature: TheNebulousKingdom

Contributor post by Michelle of EviesToolEmporium

Please join us in welcoming Anne-Julie of TheNebulousKingdom, our featured member!


Tell us about yourself.

Hi, I’m Anne-Julie, I am 37 and I live in south of France with my hubby and our little girl. I am an illustrator & crafter of all things coming from the illustrations I create. I run a shop at Etsy called The Nebulous Kingdom.

When did you open your business and what make you decide to do so?

I started my journey as a seller on Etsy in 2007, with another shop simply named “annejulie”. Etsy was new, I wanted to give a try at it and see if people would buy my illustrations. In 2009 (and because Etsy didn’t allow to change business names at this time), I took the hard decision to close “annejulie” and to open “The Nebulous Kingdom”. All my customers have followed and made the move a success.

Tell us a bit about your products.

Every things start with my illustrations, it’s the basis of all my crafted products. I create postcards from them, pocket mirrors, Art prints, stationery but also accessories, jewellery, fabric journals… I love the almost endless possibilities an illustration can offer.

What inspires your work

It comes from feelings, dreams, nature, music and everyday life.. I love colors very much, and I deeply think they influence on our feelings and ideas.

What are your future goals for the business this year? What is your dream for this business?

I’m happy with what I’ve achieved so far, and I would just love that everything continues as well as past years. But I still have goals myself to learn more creative techniques so I’d be able to offer more unique and great items in my shop.

What makes your business stand out from businesses that sell similar products?

I believe my illustration style makes the difference. Most of my customers are most of all fans of my Art, and they purchase items based on their favorite illustration.

Tell us a bit about your work space. Do you have a separate studio?

I work from home where I have my own little studio, with a windows on the sky, literally! Lots of natural light, which helps me to have colorful ideas for my creations. I sometimes like to work in my living room, still, to share time with my family.

What have you learned since opening your business that you wish you had known before hand?

Well, I would tell myself that we must appreciate what we have now, and that everything will go fine but one step at a time. Develop an idea, then another, and take time to test it. Don’t discourage yourself, things take time, and hard work is always récompensé.

Any advice for those thinking about selling on Etsy?

I would tell them to get prepared to struggle from time to time, because living from our art is not easy everyday. Bills and taxes will still be there, and it can be hard sometimes to deal with it. Other than that, it’s a true dream  and I wish everyone could live from their creations. It’s truly fulfilling. Always make your customer happy, without them your shop is nothing. It’s the very first thing to remember. Learn to show your creations beautifully, with great photos and item descriptions. Try to innovate, to stand out from the others thanks to your style or your technique. Most of all, be passionate!

When you’re not working, what do you like to do to unwind and have fun? Do you have any hobbies?

I love to spend my free time with my family. Playing games with my daughter, go outside and have a walk.

I love to listen to music and watch movies. But I also spend a lot of time crafting, reading books.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is from Anais Nin: “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are”. I also more recently discovered this one “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”. How positive!

Where can people find out more about your business?

ETSY : TheNebulousKingdom

FACEBOOK : Anne-Julie-Aubry

INSTAGRAM : annejulieaubry

TWITTER: @annejulieart


Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If you feel you have something special to show to the world, then show it! Always try to stay positive and kind to others, that’s the secret for a better living!


If you would like to be featured, please go to the CIJ Etsy Forum and fill out the questionnaire. Please note you must be a member of the CIJ Etsy team to be featured.

One thought on “Member Feature: TheNebulousKingdom

  1. Thank you so very much again for this great feature! It was a pleasure to answer these few questions and I’d be happy to answer more to any member who’d like some more tips on selling on Etsy as an illustrator 🙂 I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a joyous Holiday Season 🙂


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